The Pomodoro Technique (wie man seine Zeit effektiv nutzen kann)
The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is one method for batching tasks.
Here’s how it works:
+ Plan and prioritize the tasks that need to be completed, by writing them down.
+ Set a timer for for 25 minutes and devote that time to a task, or to a group of similar tasks.
+ Larger tasks can be broken into multiple blocks or “pomodoro’s,” and smaller tasks (responding to email, returning phone calls, etc) can be grouped into a single block.
+ After completing each Pomodoro, you put an “X” next to it and mark the number of times that you were distracted.
+ Take a 5 minute break.
+ Begin another block of time or “pomodoro.”
+ After completing 4 pomodoro’s, take an extended 20 minute break.
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Das ist eine Technik wie man dagegen ankämpfen kann ständig abgelenkt zu werden und an Aufgaben fokussiert zu arbeiten.
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